Air Alliance Express AG & Co. KG and Unicair GmbH grow together
We are pleased to announce that Air Alliance Express AG & Co. KG as a certified air carrier with passenger transportation has merged its activities from 01 January 2023 with the air ambulance company Unicair GmbH, which is already registered and operational in the Commercial Register of Wiesbaden since January 2022.
UNICAIR GmbH is the universal legal successor
Air Alliance Express AG & Co. KG has been merged into Unicair GmbH by way of accretion (Anwachsung). Unicair GmbH, as the universal successor, has assumed all rights and obligations of Air Alliance Express AG & Co. KG.
The existing recognition of Air Alliance Express AG & Co KG at the BMF (German Bundesministerium für Finanzen) as a VAT-exempt company according to § 4 No. 2 in connection with § 8 para. 2 No. 1 UStG will be transferred to Unicair GmbH as the legal successor.
The operating licence of the ambulance aircraft fleet of Air Alliance Express AG & Co. KG will continue to exist through transfer to the AOC of Unicair GmbH.
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